The Morning: “It’s not enough”

The strange problem of part-time work during a labor shortage.

Good morning. Why are so many part-time workers struggling to find full-time work during a labor shortage?

Brenda Garcia.An Rong Xu for The New York Times

Wait it out

Brenda Garcia, who works at a Chipotle in Queens, has a problem that may sound surprising in today's tight labor market. She is a part-time employee who wants more work, but the restaurant keeps assigning her less than 20 hours a week.

"It's not enough for me," Garcia told my colleague Noam Scheiber. "They're not giving me a stable job."

Garcia is one of millions of Americans who want an established, full-time work schedule and are struggling to find it, as Noam explains in a Times article. As a result, these part-timers struggle with not only low pay but also uncertain shifts that can change at the last minute, disrupting the rest of their lives. The workers can obviously quit, but they often find that the other jobs available to them have similar problems.

How could this be when the country is in the midst of a labor shortage in which employers are struggling to fill jobs? Because executives at many companies have decided that part-time work is too important to abandon just because the labor market is temporarily tight.

Part-time work allows companies to hold down labor costs in two crucial ways. First, companies can reduce their benefit costs because part-time workers often do not receive health care and retirement benefits. Second, companies can change staffing levels quickly, to meet demand on a given day or week, rather than having workers sit idle during slower periods.

"It's very deeply embedded in employers' business models," Noam — who covers workers and the workplace from Chicago — told me. "They're incredibly reluctant to give it up, even if it means enduring labor shortages and elevated turnover in the short and intermediate term. Basically, they think it makes more economic sense to wait out the current shortages than to fundamentally change their labor model."

That may well be a rational decision for individual businesses. The shift toward flexible, part-time and often outsourced work is a major reason that corporate profits have risen in recent decades. After-tax corporate profits have accounted for more than 7 percent of national income in recent years, up from an average of 5.6 percent from the 1950s through the 1970s, according to the Commerce Department.

If employers shift away from part-time work during a tight labor market like today's, they worry they will be stuck with higher labor costs for years. "Employers will typically try everything else first — raising wages, offering bonuses and other financial incentives, giving part-timers more hours temporarily," Noam explains. "All these measures are reversible, and presumably will be reversed once the labor shortages subside."

Striking workers at King Soopers in Glendale, Colo.Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images

The power dynamic

Companies have been able to insist on so much part-time work largely because they have more negotiating power over workers than in the past. The corporate sector is more consolidated than it was decades ago, leaving the average employer with more resources and the average worker with fewer alternatives in any given industry.

Workers, for their part, are much less likely to belong to a union than in the past. And union members make more money than similar nonunion workers, as an extensive study of the U.S. economy by economists at Princeton and Columbia has found. Unions effectively shift some of a company's revenue from profits to wages. Shrinking unions, in turn, have contributed to growing economic inequality.

One way that unions tend to lift wages is by putting pressure on companies to hire people full time — and threatening to strike if the companies refuse.

Last month, unionized workers at King Soopers, a supermarket chain mostly in the Denver area and owned by Kroger, went on strike. They made the growth of part-time work a central issue. In the strike's settlement, Kroger agreed to contract language that will likely lead it to add 1,000 or more full-time jobs over the next three years. A majority of jobs at King Soopers are still part-time, but the settlement has changed the balance.

"Without a labor union that could organize a strike and provide strike pay, it's hard to see how most workers could pressure their employers to make a similar change," Noam said.

In the short term, a tight labor market will lift wages for many American workers. If it were to persist for years — which is unlikely — it might alter the balance of power between workers and employers. But the more plausible way that balance could change is through government policy.

The House has passed a bill called the PRO Act that would make it easier for workers to form unions, and President Biden supports it. Among other things, the bill would bar companies from requiring employees to attend anti-union meetings and would impose financial penalties on companies that fire workers for trying to organize a union.

The bill seems stalled in the Senate, where Republicans oppose it. Democrats may try to pass some of the bill's provisions along party lines in coming months.

The bottom line

The increasing inequality of the U.S. economy over the past half-century is unlikely to end because of a temporarily tight labor market. "Labor shortages may be a necessary condition for changing the nature of these jobs," Noam says, "but they're generally not a sufficient condition."


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Source: New York Times database; Johns Hopkins University
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Sam Ezersky, the editor of the Spelling Bee.Melissa Bunni Elian for The New York Times

'Not in word list'

If you've ever played Spelling Bee, there's a chance you've been frustrated when the game didn't recognize a word you entered. Sam Ezersky, the Bee's editor, is on the receiving end of a lot of those complaints.

But choosing which words will make the official list isn't as easy as you may think, as Sam explained in a Twitter thread. Some common terms are proper nouns ("Barbacoa"); some are two words ("road map"); and some are modern slang without an official definition ("laggy"), all of which would disqualify them.

Many decisions are more subjective, on words that might appear in the dictionary but would be unknown to most players — like "ototomy," an omission that Sam's own father complained to him about.

"I neither want to skew too easy nor too hard, so that anybody can delight in playing," Sam told us. "After all, that's why my role exists in the first place: to find a balance for what would otherwise be an unchecked, unfiltered lexicon."

And he continually seeks that balance. Sam says he regularly adds words to the list after hearing from readers — as he recently did with Barbacoa, road map and laggy.


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David Malosh for The New York Times

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Now Time to Play

The pangram from yesterday's Spelling Bee was mythology. Here is today's puzzle — or you can play online.

Here's today's Mini Crossword, and a clue: Omen on Feb. 2 (six letters).

If you're in the mood to play more, find all our games here.

Thanks for spending part of your morning with The Times. See you tomorrow. — David

P.S. Thomas Gibbons-Neff and Christina Goldbaum will lead the Kabul bureau, continuing The Times's Afghanistan coverage.

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Claire Moses, Ian Prasad Philbrick, Tom Wright-Piersanti, Ashley Wu and Sanam Yar contributed to The Morning. You can reach the team at

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