Extreme Weather: Finish selecting your places

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The New York Times
Your Places: Extreme Weather
November 1, 2023, 10:12 a.m. Eastern time

Good morning. This is a preview of Your Places: Extreme Weather, a customized email that alerts you when extreme weather is possible so you can plan and prepare. To get started, choose the locations that are most important to you. Once you select your places, you will only hear from us on days when there is a risk in one or more of those areas.

Otherwise, we'll continue to send you this daily update featuring cities and risks across the country.

— Judson Jones, reporter and meteorologist

Today's Weather News

Seattle, Wash.

Some chance of extreme weather today, with excessive rain possible.

View detailed outlooks and maps

Some riskExcessive rain Some risk

Portland, Ore.

Some chance of extreme weather tomorrow, with excessive rain possible.

View detailed outlooks and maps

Some riskExcessive rain Some risk

You can adjust what places to receive extreme weather alerts for at any time.

Sources: The risk levels used for this email are derived from categories used in the outlooks issued by the National Weather Service, including those for severe weather from the Storm Prediction Center and excessive rainfall from the Weather Prediction Center. Some of these categories have been combined to create a clear, consistent language across multiple weather hazards. For more information, see the "About the data" section of the detailed outlooks page.

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